Title: International Protocol on Documenting Violations of Religious Freedom
Authors: Najib Bajali, Jeremy Barker, Tiffany Barrans, Amira Mikhail, and Naomi Prodeau
About: Crafted in response to requests from civil society partners who have suffered severe violations of their religious freedom, the protocol seeks to fill a gap by providing a thorough and accessible resource for human rights advocates, civil society organizations, and others looking for guidance on how to document serious violations of religious freedom in their local contexts.
The International Protocol On Documenting Violations Of Religious Freedom is a joint publication of Open Doors International (ODI) and the Religious Freedom Institute (RFI). Led by the Middle East divisions of ODI and RFI, the project was crafted with contributors including lawyers, human rights investigators, former diplomats, and religious freedom researchers.
It is designed as a tool for NGOs, lawyers, human rights activists as well as national and international institutions to provide an evidentiary standard and documentation of evidence that would be acceptable in most judicial or advocacy institutions, particularly at the international level.
The core of the Protocol provides a set of guidelines detailing the best practices on how to document violations of religious freedom as per international standards, combined with an articulation of the right and its protected dimensions under international law.
Publication Date: June 2022
Recommended Citation: “International Protocol on Documenting Violations of Religious Freedom.” Open Doors and Religious Freedom Institute, 2022.
More about the Documentation Protocol and Additional Resources

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